Our commitment
The Caisse Desjardins de l'Administration et des Services publics has been a proud supporter of the Fondation de la faune du Québec since 2001.
The Caisse’s financial support for the Endangered wildlife program allows for further action to protect, enhance or restore important habitats for threatened or vulnerable wildlife in Quebec.
Our involvement
• We provide financial support for the Endangered wildlife program
• We are a GOLD partner for the Cocktail faunique fundraising event
Created in 1984 by the Gouvernement of Quebec for the purpose of acquiring the wetlands along the St. Lawrence, the Fondation de la faune du Québec is a parapublic organization that reports to the ministre de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs.
Recognized as a registered charity organization since 1987, the Fondation is authorized to issue receipts for income tax purposes. Since 1988, the Fondation obtained the assurance of stable and recurrent funding through contributions paid by sport fishers, hunters, and trappers in Quebec.
The Fondation de la faune offers financial and technical support for projects related to the conservation and enhancement of wildlife and its habitat. The Fondation funds just over 700 projects annually across Quebec.
Our mission
Enhance and promote conservation of wildlife and its habitat.
Our vision
The team at the Fondation dedicates its energy, creativiy, and passion to ensure the conservation of Quebec’s biodiversity.
Recognized for the strength of its partnership network and its impeccable ethics, the Fondation acts as a catalyst for projects generating tangible effects on the protection and promotion of natural environments.