Association québécoise pour l'évaluation d'impacts

Our commitment

The Caisse Desjardins de l'Administration et des Services publics has counted the Association québécoise pour l'évaluation d'impacts (AQÉI) among its partners since 2024

Our involvement

We support the AQÉI for their annual conference, and the award presenter of the Prix rayonnement et innovation at their Gala Reconnaissance.


Promote this new partnership between the Caisse and the AQÉI.


Their mission and objectives

Bring together anyone interested in impact assessment and its use in the planning and decision-making process: 

  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of practices and enhance the professional quality of impact assessments
  • Promote the use of impact assessment
  • Better communicate the impact assessment and the roles of the stakeholders involved
Other partners
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) Alliance des cadres de l'État ) Fondation de la faune du Québec ) Forum des jeunes ) Syndicat de professionnelles et professionnels du gouvernement du Québec